Thursday, February 11, 2010

Live Movie Adaptations of animated shows

Hey every one it's Aaron and i am writing for you guys another blog. This blog today will deal with live action movie adaptations of Japanese anime and American animated shows. I will be discussing what worked and what didn't work and my hopes for the future movies being adapted. First off lets talk about the movies that worked i would be negligent if i did not talk about the success of the first Transformers movie. Even if you have issues with Michal Bay you must admit that he did an outstanding job bringing the world of Transformers to the big screen and the
CGI action and story were all perfect making this a good example of what can be done in making an adaptation. Unfortunately the sequel suffered from some story issues and was not as good as the first proving that writing is one of the key factors in any movie making project. Another excellent adaptation was the Japanese live action Cashern movie even thou the anime for Cashern was that retro 60's, 70's style. The people behind Cashern were able to reinvent the style and sort of modernize it making it one of the must see adaptations. The one thing that both these adaptations have in common is that they are almost made as tributes to the original works. I remember reading articles on both directors and they said that they where fans of the original works and that they wanted to do the movie in a way that reflected that.
I think that is the only way to do a adaptation of any thing now lets talk about the ones that didn't do that. Such is the case for GI Joe my most hated adaptation ever produced. Those of you that have listened to the podcast will know my deep hatred of this movie so i will not dwell too much on it. GI Joe failed in my opinion because there was no passion to make it a tribute, and that it was basically a property that was exploited and raped to make a few bucks. Another adaptation that I have a love hate relationship with is the Speed Racer adaptation that the Matrix boys did. Now the problem with this movie is in the writing, and the fact that they tried to make it to kid friendly and we get too much Spritle and Chim Chim and it ruins the movie. I was hoping Speed and Trixie would find them in the trunk beat them to death and store their bodies in trash bags. Aah you can only hope the same for the Scooby Doo adaptations as well. Kids don't need movies to be dumbed down for them. Sometimes you just need to explain to them the reason that man's head exploded and just what a boomer is. Anyway as we start to see more and more animated shows being adapted in to live action movies we can hope that they are treated with the respect that they deserve and are made in a way that shows it here is hope that M Knight does not mess up air bender. Anyway thanks for reading and stay l33t Aaron.

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