Thursday, February 25, 2010

You and the Cockroaches: Post Apocalyptic movies

Hey every one it’s me Aaron and today I will be talking about post apocalyptic movies the ones that rocked and the ones that sucked. First off, the classic the Road Warrior worked because it had a good story and was strange enough to be different and ultimately a cult classic. The fact that it was also the first movie of its kind was also a contributing factor to its success, and the standard of how we rate movies of this genre.
Next I am going to talk about a movie that did not work for me and that was the recently released the Book of Eli. This movie had a power house cast, incredible fight scenes, but was lacking in storyline. It felt like a side quest that could have been done in a game like Fall Out 3, which is not good for the sole concept of a movie.
Now love or hate it but another good example was Waterworld the fact that it takes place after a non nuclear apocalypse makes it exotic enough to stand out and I think that is the key to this genre is that it has to be exotic, the viewer has to be taken to a strange new place, but at the same time be recognizable like the Statue of Liberty at the end of the original Planet of the Apes or the ruins of L.A. in Terminator Salvation.
Now as for Terminator Salvation it is the traditional post nuke movie but what makes it good is the fact that the story and the action are the main draw of this movie. The storyline isn’t that heavy and is reminiscent of the previous Terminator movies but the action is what works for this movie. You’ve got Mad Max car chases, guns blazing action scenes and new mecha. Plus Christian Bale shooting guns makes any movie a hit!
My last example of a different non nuclear post movie is Reign of Fire. In this movie dragons have swarmed and destroyed the world. This story has your exotic factor plus a simple enough storyline, good action, and Christian Bale shooting guns. The key to any good post apocalyptic movie is to make it exotic but recognizable and make sure the story is simple but good. So catch you next time stay l33t Aaron.

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